How to Install/Uninstall Better Discord | Step by Step Guide

Know how to install or uninstall better discord. Better discord is an upgraded version of Discord, which has many more unique features, including playing games, watching movies, taking part in series, and playing various content genres. 

Despite the positive reception of the platform by many users, others complain about it. Our article today instructs readers on the process of uninstalling Better Discord as a result. In case you’re having trouble deciding whether you want to keep the better version of discord or not, then this article is for you. 

How Does Better Discord Work?

install better discord

Discord’s replacement, Better Discord offers similar features. There may be differences between the components. Furthermore, Better Discord allows you to host a server and chat with people from around the world. As with Discord, it includes all of the voice/video chat features.

It is Better Discord that has your back, however, as Discord cannot support themes, bots, or plugins, which can make your chats even more appealing. Furthermore, the launch of the mentioned features will not take place anytime soon, according to the official sources.

Also, some people face error “better discord not working or better discord theme not working, then you can visit this article to solve that error.

Let’s move on to the part of how you can install Better Discord. 

Steps to Install Better Discord on Windows

You can install Better Discord in just a few minutes. Follow the steps as shown below;

  • You need to navigate to the folder in which the Better Discord app resides once you have downloaded it according to your operating system. Windows users have to go to the “Downloads” folder if they download the app.
  • Hopefully, you’ve managed to download the file. Now run it.
  • Upon clicking the pop-up window, a new window will appear.
  • You can then click “Next” if you have accepted the license agreement.
  • Simply click the “Install Better Discord” button.
  • Click “Install” and select your Discord version.
  • Once you have successfully installed the app, you must restart your computer before you can use the app.

Windows installation of better discord, is mentioned above and will be carried out easily.

Steps to Install Better Discord on Mac

uninstall install better discord

To install Better Discord on Mac, please follow these steps;

  •  Visiting the official site will let you download Better Discord.
  • The website will automatically download the appropriate file once you select your operating system correctly on the home page.
  • To continue with the installation, click the file and selectopen.’
  • Once you follow these instructions proficiently, make sure you click on ‘install‘ to get to the installation setup screen. After doing so, you will see a screen that says ‘installation setup‘; uncheck ‘install to PTB‘ as well as ‘install to canary.’

Here’s a quick tutorial showing how to install better Discord on your Mac or Windows computer; hopefully, it helped. However, if you ever get bored or don’t want to use it anymore, you can uninstall it.

Why Should You Uninstall That Better Discord?

uninstall better discord

Adding some cool features to Discord is easy with Better Discord. But the application has no legal basis. The terms of service of Discord prohibit this action. Thus, due to this, any users making use of Discord will be subject to a ban.

Let move on to the process of uninstalling better discord.

How to Uninstall the Better Discord on Windows

If you’re using Windows OS then follow below steps:

  • By holding down the Windows key and the ‘I’ key you’ll reach Windows Settings
  • Here you’ll find Discord under the ‘Apps‘ section.
  • You can uninstall it by clicking on it. Ensure that it confirmed the action.
  • Go to the Run application in Windows (Windows key + R). Click on ‘OK’ and type ‘%AppData%’.
  • You can delete Better Discord by selecting it from the right-click menu.

How to Uninstall the Better Discord on Mac Os

If you’re using Mac OS then follow below steps:

  • You can find programs in the Finder by selecting ‘Applications’ on the bottom panel. On the left side of the screen are these options.
  • Among the listed apps, locate Discord. To move an item to the trash, right-click and choose ‘Move to trash.’
  • To proceed, you must altogether remove the data associated with Discord from your Mac. For this, open the ‘App Menu‘ and then tap ‘Go.’
  • Then, choose ‘Go to Folder’
  • Click ‘Go‘ and enter ‘*/Library‘ in the search box
  • The Discord file will appear in the window shown, and then you need to right-click it and choose ‘Move to Trash.’

Some FAQ’s

Can I Remove the Complete Data From My Window?

The Better Discord folder may have been directed to you by blogs. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work since Better Discord is already part of Discord. You can remove both Discord and the Better Discord files by using this method. You might check with Discord Support in case neither of them works.

Wrapping Up

Therefore, this article has been written so that you can use better Discord, whether you want to or not. On the following pages, you will find the appropriate instructions to install or uninstall the app easily. 

If this article was helpful and sufficiently adequate to you, please comment below. We can provide you with more information about this genre.

Cynthia Smith
Cynthia Smith

Currently, I am a freelance SEO Content Writer at I love reading and writing content. Also, I love listening to music. I did my Bachelors's Degree in Arts. With the help of this platform, our goal is to keep our readers up to date with the latest stuff.

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