Jagrit Arora

Jagrit Arora

A student who is dedicated for his work. I love to read novels and watch informational videos for my growth. As you know books can give you tons of knowledge but you need to mean it.

Tips for Creating a PowerPoint Presentation


Creating an engaging PowerPoint presentation is both an art and a science. In today’s fast-paced professional environment, an effective presentation can be the difference between success and failure. Whether it’s for a business meeting, academic conference, or a casual event,…

The Role of Technology in Project Accounting

project accounting

Project Accounting, a vital methodology used within project management, is evolving steadily, all thanks to the continuous advancements in technology. From manual record-keeping tasks to digitalized procedures, the landscape of project accounting has also undergone significant transformations. Innovative tools and…

5 Lower Cost Tech Tools for Every College Student

Every College Student

Education’s getting a techy makeover, and it’s pretty awesome. But let’s face it, not everyone’s rolling in dough. So, for students cruising through academia on a shoestring budget, here’s a rundown of five wallet-friendly tech tools that’ll turbocharge your study…

Is Copy Trading Good for Beginners?

copy trading good

Copy trading has emerged as a compelling trend in the financial markets, capturing the interest of novices and seasoned traders alike. This practice allows individuals to replicate the positions taken by more experienced traders, effectively duplicating their trades in real-time…